Mann Acharya


Abhay BansalJagendra SinghNitin Arvind ShelkeMann Acharya
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Strategic Applications of Deep Belief Networks in Anomaly Detection and Generative Modeling for Business Intelligence

This study examines the strategic deployment of Deep Belief Net-works in detecting anomalies and performing generative modeling in business intelligence efforts. Three kinds of DBN models, such as Temporal-DBN, Variational-DBN, and Sparse-DBN, were reviewed and assessed for their performance, especially in conducting anomaly detection in a diverse range of data acquired from the online domain and real-time banking transactions. Evaluation measures, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 scoring, indicate that the Temporal-DBN model is significantly superior to others, showing an accuracy percentage of 97.67% relative to Variational-DBN and Sparse-DBN, which were rated at 93.45% and 90.23%, respectively. Examining the receiver operating curves further reinforced the efficacy of the Temporal-DBN model at a higher percentage rate of 0.978 against Variational-DBN and Sparse-DBN, which were rated at 0.953 and 0.922, respectively, indicating higher discrimination ability between normal and anomalous instances. Theoretical data analysis, particularly through confusion matrices, demonstrated that Temporal-DBN pro-vides a balanced performance of the minimized number of misclassified cases, with higher true positive rates and true negative rates compared to Variational-DBN and Sparse-DBN. Overall, these measures and outcomes imply that Deep Belief Networks, especially the Temporal-DBN model, have the potential to maximize anomaly detections and the generative modeling efforts of business intelligence solutions. They also suggest increased theoretical and methodological innovation for wider applications in conducting analysis and data-driven de-cision making in a broad range of business fields using deep learning methods.

Published on: 5th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICEEE 2024)

Artificial IntelligenceData ScienceMachine LearningInternet Of Things (IoT)

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